Thank you for supporting Samaritan House’s 36th Anniversary Celebration. Using the words celebration and homeless shelter in the same sentence might strike some as a contradiction. However, the thought of those experiencing homelessness not having a safe place to go changes the perspective.  We are so grateful for your generosity and for the possibilities your support makes for those who need to call Samaritan House home throughout the year. Although temporary, it can make all the difference to those who are going through a difficult time to have a peaceful, restorative place to lay their head while they work to gain independence and a positive future. We could not do the work that we do without you and you showed up! Some in the literal sense and others through sponsorships, financial donations, the donation of auction items, prayers, and more. It was a blessing to be part of the gathering.

Each year we are tasked with raising not only enough funding for the continued operation of the shelter but also any additional funds needed for upkeep and improvements to the three-story, 38 room facility. We are delighted to report that over $27,600 was raised, which will go toward the overall operation of the shelter. In the last year alone, 9,267 meals were served and 3,089 shelter units (one person, one night) were provided to 207 women and children. You helped to make this possible.

Together, we can and do make a difference!